My future job


Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk you about a job I would like to do in the future.
Ok, so, If I start to imagine where I see myself working in a few years it would be in a lab, being a successful biochemist, working with doctors, doing studies, finding new pathologies and their cures

I am very interested in know everything there is at the cellular level, since it is a small world where we find thousands of chemist reactions and if one of these fails, it can cause very serious pathologies at the level of the human body, for example cancer.

My dream is find the some cure for a new pathology, and travel around the world to explain my discovered.
One of the things that I would like to do after obtaining my university degree is to obtain a doctorate in physiological sciences offered by “Universidad Católica”, with this I believe that I will be able to achieve my goal that I mentioned above.
I really would like to do this job, but first I need finish my career on biochemistry.
If I could achieve what I mentioned before, I would be very happy, because I could help people in some way.


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