
My future job

  Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk you about a job I would like to do in the future. Ok, so, If I start to imagine where I see myself working in a few years it would be in a lab, being a successful biochemist, working with doctors, doing studies, finding new pathologies and their cures I am very interested in know everything there is at the cellular level, since it is a small world where we find thousands of chemist reactions and if one of these fails, it can cause very serious pathologies at the level of the human body, for example cancer. My dream is find the some cure for a new pathology, and travel around the world to explain my discovered. One of the things that I would like to do after obtaining my university degree is to obtain a doctorate in physiological sciences offered by “Universidad Católica”, with this I believe that I will be able to achieve my goal that I mentioned above. I really would like to do this job, but first I need finish my career on biochemistry.

How Green are you?

Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about my small grain of sand to contribute to the environment. I learned about the care of the earth when I was a very young girl, because my school is recognized for being an “eco-school”. We have a solar panel for the electricity of some classrooms, water treatment plants, a lot of grass and trees, and the science department oversees teaching to take care of the environment with practices to contribute to “The three R's”.  On Wednesdays after the day,teachers and students organized to find ways to help the planet, and I went a couple of times,it was very entertainig and I learned a lot. I believe that taking care of the environment is extremely important, because this is OUR home, so I’m going to tell you my habits to contribute to the climate change. First, I move everywhere on bicycle or walks, because it’s healthy and I don’t have a car and any money (hahaha). Second, I eat meat once or twice a week, because I don’t it like so much, I thin

My Favorite Cartoon Character

When I was a child, I watched TV a lot, because it was so boring to be an only daughter. My favorite channel was Disney, because their movies and series were very entertaining, but they are far from reality. It's movies make you think that a blue prince exists and everything is pink color. That's why my favorite animated movie is Shrek, and he is my favorite cartoon character. Shrek is a green ogre who lives in a swamp in the woods. Every village hates Shrek because he is ugly and scares humans, but he never hurts anybody and he has an only friend, he is "Donkey", a donkey which can talk. Shrek falls in love with the princess Fiona, she is a human during the day and ogre during the night, because a witch put a spell on her, but she hates being an ogre, because she thinks that it is ugly, but in the final scenes, Fiona and Shrek get married because love is more important than the body. This movie teaches you the important values of love, the friendships and fight for

The new religion: Bad Bunny

Hi, today Im going to tell you something about a musical artist which has left a mark on my life; Benito Martinez, better known as Bad bunny, he is a Puerto Rican singer, rapper, and songwriter. He makes reggaeton and trap songs perfect for partying My favorite album is “X 100PRE” because it has songs for everyone, sad like “Si estuviesemos juntos” , relaxing like “Estamos bien” and motivating like “La Romana” . But why do I really like this album? Well, this album came out when I was in my last year of school, so me and my friends listened to  X 100PRE  a everyday .  Every time that I listen to  “La Romana” I remember when me and my course went out the school without permission and were partying all day and all night, we had a great time listening to Bad Bunny. Also, some songs, like "Solo de mi" , remind me of bad loves from the past and every time I listen to them, they empower me. Some people think that reggaeton is not real music, because it's lyrics are so e

A Country I would like to visit

Choose a place what I would like visit is a difficult question, but my dream is travel around the Europe and visit England, France, Italy, Switzerland, German, Amsterdam and Spain. I can’t choose just one place, because each country is magic. T he of art France, t he architectonic of England and German, the fashion of Italy, the culture of Amsterdam, the landscapes of Switzerland, the food (obviously) and the music of Spain, is what most catches my attention. These countries take the value of art and fashion, and I think that is something very important, because in Chile these professions are called “hobbies” and the people judges these activities. If I have the necessary money, I’ll go to the England and I’ll study design without people who makes me feel less than the rest. If I can move from Latin-America, I will be proud. I would like work in any countries that I talked before, because there are very developed, and they have a jobs with very good pays. In my continent people liv

My presentation :)

Hello people, welcome to my blog, my name is Valentina Abarca  😎 , I am 19 years old and I studying Biochemistry. I’m very exciting for this course because I really need learn better English.  This is my first year in the University and my second course of English, I really like the teachers and the activities, because in the school the teachers was very bad. My problem with this language is that I understand when someone talk to me in English, but when I need respond, I’m blocked, so I hope learn very much this semester and finally can speaks English. 

My favorite subject:

My favorite subject this semester is gene ral chemistry, I have enjoyed studying this semester because the academics are very good. I like this s ubject because, before studying this program (biochemistry), I really didn't like chemistry but this year, I can finally say that I have learned chemistry in the best way. In most of the classes of this semester, we study chemistry from theory, and later, we have a test of that topic. The main contents I have seen are: Chemical Bond, Inorganic Compounds Nomenclature, Atomic Theory, Quantum Models and Stoichiometry. Maybe this description sounds boring, however, for me it is very interesting because with chemistry as a tool, I will be able to understand better the next subject of chemistry. Also, I'm very excited because the next semester we have general biology which I will be able to understand better by linking my knowledge from general chemistry with this subject. Thanks for reading. :*